1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,120 Hey everyone and welcome back. Today we're diving into something a little different. 2 00:00:03,120 --> 00:00:09,640 It's called Clodron. And you guys have sent over a ton of information on this 3 00:00:09,640 --> 00:00:15,120 articles, documentation, even comparisons to the Fediverse. Yeah. So clearly this 4 00:00:15,120 --> 00:00:19,040 is more than just another app or software. It seems like a whole different 5 00:00:19,040 --> 00:00:22,440 way of thinking about the internet. Absolutely. And you've hit the nail on 6 00:00:22,440 --> 00:00:26,800 the head with that Fediverse mention, but we can circle back to that. For now, 7 00:00:26,800 --> 00:00:31,860 think about this. Remember the days before app stores? I'm talking about when 8 00:00:31,860 --> 00:00:35,080 you had to like hunt down apps on a weird website. Oh yeah, and then try to 9 00:00:35,080 --> 00:00:37,880 install them and hope they didn't like break your phone. Exactly. It was the 10 00:00:37,880 --> 00:00:41,320 Wild West and then boom, Apple comes along with the app store. Right. And 11 00:00:41,320 --> 00:00:46,480 suddenly everything's centralized, easy to find, easy to update. Exactly. Clodron 12 00:00:46,480 --> 00:00:50,160 wants to be the app store, but for your own server. Okay, so for someone who's 13 00:00:50,160 --> 00:00:54,680 maybe afraid of the word server, because it sounds really technical, what are we 14 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:59,180 really talking about here? So in a nutshell, Clodron lets you install and 15 00:00:59,180 --> 00:01:02,900 manage all sorts of web apps, but on your terms. We're talking about stuff you 16 00:01:02,900 --> 00:01:06,040 probably use every day, like WordPress. Maybe you want to host your own blog. 17 00:01:06,040 --> 00:01:12,120 Right. Or GitLab for your code or even rocket.chat for team communication. Okay. 18 00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:16,240 All these things usually live in the cloud, hosted by someone else, but with 19 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:21,480 Clodron they live on your server. So I become my own Google, but cooler. More or 20 00:01:21,480 --> 00:01:26,080 less, yeah. You're the captain now. You decide what apps are on your server, how 21 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:30,800 they're configured. You even get to manage who has access. Okay, I'm liking the 22 00:01:30,800 --> 00:01:34,280 sound of captain listener name here, but let's break this down because I think a 23 00:01:34,280 --> 00:01:39,200 lot of people, myself included, hear self-hosting and think, oh that's way too 24 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:44,120 technical for me. I can barely set up my Wi-Fi router. Totally understandable and 25 00:01:44,120 --> 00:01:48,040 to be fair, running a server the traditional way can be a real pain. Right. 26 00:01:48,040 --> 00:01:51,360 But that's where Clodron tries to be different. It handles a lot of the 27 00:01:51,360 --> 00:01:55,320 complicated stuff for you, like the initial setup, the security updates, even 28 00:01:55,320 --> 00:01:59,000 backups. So it's kind of like the difference between, I don't know, building 29 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:03,720 a house from scratch versus buying a prefab one. Yeah, that's a great analogy. 30 00:02:03,720 --> 00:02:07,340 You still get a house, you can still customize it, but you don't have to be a 31 00:02:07,340 --> 00:02:12,920 master builder to get started. Okay, I'm intrigued, but before we go any further, I 32 00:02:12,920 --> 00:02:16,720 need a reality check for myself and for our listeners who might be thinking, this 33 00:02:16,720 --> 00:02:20,160 all sounds great, but why should I even care? Right, why rock the boat, right? 34 00:02:20,160 --> 00:02:24,520 Exactly. Everyone uses Google, everyone's on social media, why switch things up? 35 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:29,160 That's the million dollar question, isn't it? And I think it boils down to this. How 36 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:34,600 comfortable are you with your data being in someone else's hands? Okay, so we're 37 00:02:34,600 --> 00:02:39,000 talking about data privacy here. Exactly, and control. Okay. When you rely on big 38 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:42,400 companies for everything, you're essentially trusting them with your 39 00:02:42,400 --> 00:02:48,000 emails, your photos, your entire digital life. Right, and we all know how careful 40 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:51,280 those companies are with our data. And look, I'm not saying every big tech 41 00:02:51,280 --> 00:02:54,160 company is out to get you, but the reality is they have different priorities. 42 00:02:54,160 --> 00:02:58,920 Yeah. Their business model relies on collecting and analyzing your data. Okay, 43 00:02:58,920 --> 00:03:03,840 so with Cloudran, I'm taking back control, becoming the master of my own data 44 00:03:03,840 --> 00:03:08,400 destiny. Exactly. You're no longer a product, you're the customer, and you get 45 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:12,480 to set the rules. I'm liking where this is going, but I have a feeling this is 46 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:15,600 just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Cloudran and what it can do. Oh, 47 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:19,840 absolutely. We've just scratched the surface. Okay, so for our listeners who 48 00:03:19,840 --> 00:03:23,440 are already hooked and want to dive deeper, where should they go? Well, the 49 00:03:23,440 --> 00:03:27,680 Cloudran website is a great place to start. They've got tons of information, 50 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:32,160 documentation, and even a live demo you can play with. Perfect, and be sure to 51 00:03:32,160 --> 00:03:35,200 check out the show notes for links to all of that. Absolutely, and we'd love to 52 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:38,240 hear your thoughts on this. Is self-hosting something you've considered 53 00:03:38,240 --> 00:03:43,120 before? What are your biggest concerns? Hit us up on social media and let's keep 54 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:46,720 the conversation going. Definitely, we want to hear from you. Now, before we get 55 00:03:46,720 --> 00:03:51,560 completely sidetracked by the ethical implications of data privacy, let's bring 56 00:03:51,560 --> 00:03:55,720 things back down to earth for a bit and talk about what you actually get with 57 00:03:55,720 --> 00:04:00,120 Cloudran. What are some concrete examples of apps I could run on this thing? Oh, 58 00:04:00,120 --> 00:04:03,820 there are tons, and that's actually one of the things that surprised me the most 59 00:04:03,820 --> 00:04:07,120 when I first started looking into this. Okay. It's not just about the big-name 60 00:04:07,120 --> 00:04:11,840 apps, you know, like your WordPress or your Nextcloud. There's a whole world of 61 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:14,960 open-source software out there that most people have never even heard of, and 62 00:04:14,960 --> 00:04:19,400 Cloudran makes it dead simple to install and manage. Okay, so paint me a picture. 63 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:24,200 What would my digital life look like if I went all in on Cloudran? Give me the 64 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:30,320 highlight reel. All right, so let's say you're a productivity junkie, you live and 65 00:04:30,320 --> 00:04:35,120 breathe, to-do lists, calendars, all that jazz. Okay, I resemble that remark. Well, 66 00:04:35,120 --> 00:04:39,600 with Cloudran, you can say goodbye to those pesky monthly subscriptions for 67 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:44,760 Asana or Trello. Really? Oh yeah, there's a fantastic open source alternative called 68 00:04:44,760 --> 00:04:50,000 Taiga. It's like Asana, but way more customizable, and it runs flawlessly on 69 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:54,640 Cloudran. Okay, so I'm already saving money. Exactly, but it's more than just 70 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:59,280 the cost savings. It's about owning your workflow. Okay. Your data isn't being 71 00:04:59,280 --> 00:05:03,280 bounced around different servers, analyzed, and monetized. Right, right. It's 72 00:05:03,280 --> 00:05:06,560 all right there on my own little Cloudran server. Precisely, and if you're 73 00:05:06,560 --> 00:05:10,620 a freelancer or a small business owner, you know how crucial invoicing can be. 74 00:05:10,620 --> 00:05:16,560 Absolutely, a necessary evil. Well, say hello to Invoice Ninja, another fantastic 75 00:05:16,560 --> 00:05:21,080 open-source app that lives happily on Cloudran. Okay, so I'm managing projects, 76 00:05:21,080 --> 00:05:26,560 sending invoices. What else can this magical Cloudran do? Let's talk about fun 77 00:05:26,560 --> 00:05:30,920 stuff, you know, like streaming movies and music, because who doesn't love a good 78 00:05:30,920 --> 00:05:34,120 movie night? Right, but I thought we were trying to get away from relying on big 79 00:05:34,120 --> 00:05:37,720 companies and now you're talking about streaming services. Uh-huh, but that's the 80 00:05:37,720 --> 00:05:41,400 beauty of Cloudran. You can actually host your own streaming service with an app 81 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:46,320 called Jellyfin. Wait, seriously? Yeah, you basically point Jellyfin at your 82 00:05:46,320 --> 00:05:50,640 media library, whether it's on an external hard drive or even just a folder 83 00:05:50,640 --> 00:05:56,640 on your computer, and it creates this beautiful Netflix-like interface that 84 00:05:56,640 --> 00:05:59,920 you can access from anywhere. So I'm in control of the content, I'm in control of 85 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:04,120 the quality, and best of all, no ads. Exactly, it's like having your own 86 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:09,160 personal Netflix but curated by you for you. Okay, I'm sold. Yeah. But I have to 87 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:13,480 ask, what about the technical stuff? I'm not exactly a server wizard. And that's 88 00:06:13,480 --> 00:06:17,160 okay. That's what makes Cloudran so compelling. Okay. It's designed with us, 89 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:20,560 the non-server wizards in mind. Okay, because every time I've ever even 90 00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:24,000 thought about setting up my own server, it felt like I needed an engineering 91 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:27,280 degree. And that's the old way of thinking about it. Cloudran takes care of 92 00:06:27,280 --> 00:06:31,480 the heavy lifting, the complicated configurations, the security updates, all 93 00:06:31,480 --> 00:06:36,480 that jazz. So it's like having a personal IT department on call 24-7. Pretty much, 94 00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:42,600 yeah. And this is where we start to see the real power of Cloudran. It's not just 95 00:06:42,600 --> 00:06:47,480 about running a few apps, it's about shifting your entire mindset. Okay. How so? 96 00:06:47,480 --> 00:06:52,400 Well, when you start self-hosting, you start to question everything. Like what? 97 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:56,360 Like, why am I giving all my data to these giant corporations? Why am I 98 00:06:56,360 --> 00:07:00,280 limited by their features and their rules? Right, right. It's about taking back 99 00:07:00,280 --> 00:07:04,360 control, becoming more than just a passive consumer of technology. Exactly. 100 00:07:04,360 --> 00:07:07,320 And that's a powerful thing, and it's something that we believe more people 101 00:07:07,320 --> 00:07:11,800 should be aware of. Absolutely. So we've talked about the benefits of self-hosting, 102 00:07:11,800 --> 00:07:16,840 the ease of use of Cloudran, but let's be real, there has to be a catch, right? What 103 00:07:16,840 --> 00:07:20,240 are the downsides? Of course, there are always trade-offs, and I think the 104 00:07:20,240 --> 00:07:23,800 biggest one with Cloudran is that it's not free. Okay. How much are we talking? 105 00:07:23,800 --> 00:07:28,200 It depends on the plan you choose, but it's generally a few dollars a month, 106 00:07:28,200 --> 00:07:31,600 which isn't bad considering you're essentially getting your own little slice 107 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:35,280 of the internet. Right, and compared to the cost of multiple sauce subscriptions, 108 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:39,760 it might even save you money in the long run. Exactly, and for that price, you're 109 00:07:39,760 --> 00:07:43,600 not just getting the software, you're getting peace of mind knowing that your 110 00:07:43,600 --> 00:07:48,880 data is secure and that you're not beholden to some giant corporation. Okay, 111 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:51,360 that makes sense, but what about the learning curve? You mentioned it earlier. 112 00:07:51,360 --> 00:07:56,760 Is it really that easy to use? That's a fair question, and honestly it depends on 113 00:07:56,760 --> 00:08:01,240 your level of technical expertise. Okay. If you're comfortable with basic command 114 00:08:01,240 --> 00:08:05,240 line stuff, you'll be up and running in no time, but even if you're not, the 115 00:08:05,240 --> 00:08:10,440 cloudron community is incredibly helpful. There are tons of tutorials, forums, and 116 00:08:10,440 --> 00:08:15,840 even a dedicated support team. So it's not exactly plug-and-play, but it's also 117 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:19,320 not rocket science. Precisely, and once you get the hang of it, it's actually 118 00:08:19,320 --> 00:08:24,480 quite empowering. Okay, I'm starting to see the appeal here, but I have to admit 119 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:27,920 I'm still a little bit intimidated by the whole server thing. I hear you. It's 120 00:08:27,920 --> 00:08:30,440 definitely a different way of thinking about technology, but that's what makes 121 00:08:30,440 --> 00:08:35,320 it so exciting. Okay, I'm willing to keep an open mind, but before we get too far 122 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:38,760 ahead of ourselves, let's take a step back and address something you mentioned 123 00:08:38,760 --> 00:08:43,520 earlier, the Fediverse. Ah yes, the Fediverse. We could spend an entire episode just 124 00:08:43,520 --> 00:08:48,080 talking about that, but in the context of cloudron, it's important to 125 00:08:48,080 --> 00:08:52,520 understand that cloudron isn't just about self-hosting, it's about joining a 126 00:08:52,520 --> 00:08:56,840 movement. A movement towards what? A movement towards a more decentralized 127 00:08:56,840 --> 00:09:01,120 internet, one where users have more control, more privacy, and more freedom. 128 00:09:01,120 --> 00:09:05,440 Okay, I'm listening. So the Fediverse is essentially a network of interconnected 129 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:10,280 servers, each running different software, but all communicating with each other. 130 00:09:10,280 --> 00:09:14,600 Okay. Think of it like email. You can send an email from your Gmail account to 131 00:09:14,600 --> 00:09:17,680 someone with a Yahoo account. Right. Even though you're using different 132 00:09:17,680 --> 00:09:21,720 providers, the underlying protocol allows you to communicate. Okay, I get it. The 133 00:09:21,720 --> 00:09:26,320 Fediverse works in a similar way. You can have your own Cloudran server running 134 00:09:26,320 --> 00:09:30,760 your own apps. Yeah. But you can also connect and interact with other people on 135 00:09:30,760 --> 00:09:33,360 the Fediverse who are running their own servers. So it's like this whole 136 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:37,160 interconnected world of independent servers all talking to each other. 137 00:09:37,160 --> 00:09:40,920 Exactly. And that's what makes it so powerful. It's a decentralized 138 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:45,880 alternative to the walled gardens of Facebook and Twitter. Okay, now it's 139 00:09:45,880 --> 00:09:50,640 starting to click. So Cloudran isn't just about escaping the clutches of big tech. 140 00:09:50,640 --> 00:09:54,940 It's about building something new, something better. Exactly. It's about 141 00:09:54,940 --> 00:09:59,560 taking back control not just of your data but of the entire online experience. I 142 00:09:59,560 --> 00:10:03,280 like the sound of that. But before we dive headfirst into the Fediverse and 143 00:10:03,280 --> 00:10:06,980 all its implications, let's take a quick break. Sounds good. We'll be right back 144 00:10:06,980 --> 00:10:11,200 after these messages. Don't go anywhere. Alright, so we're back and we're trying 145 00:10:11,200 --> 00:10:14,960 to wrap our heads around this whole Cloudran thing. It sounds amazing in 146 00:10:14,960 --> 00:10:19,160 theory, but I think I need a little more convincing. Okay, I'm listening. What are 147 00:10:19,160 --> 00:10:22,920 your biggest concerns? Well, for starters, let's talk about convenience. Sure. I 148 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:27,040 mean, Google's not perfect, but they make things pretty darn easy. True. They've 149 00:10:27,040 --> 00:10:31,200 definitely mastered the art of user experience. Right, so why would I want to 150 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:36,840 give up that simplicity, that ease of use to manage my own server? It just seems 151 00:10:36,840 --> 00:10:40,100 like a lot of work. You're not wrong. There's definitely a trade-off there and 152 00:10:40,100 --> 00:10:44,280 I think it all comes down to your priorities. Okay, how so? Well, are you 153 00:10:44,280 --> 00:10:48,960 comfortable with the trade-off that Google and others like them offer? Which 154 00:10:48,960 --> 00:10:52,620 is convenience for your data. Right, because they're not offering these 155 00:10:52,620 --> 00:10:55,840 services out of the goodness of their hearts. Exactly, they're in the business 156 00:10:55,840 --> 00:11:01,080 of data collection and targeted advertising. Okay, so with Cloudran, I'm 157 00:11:01,080 --> 00:11:05,240 essentially taking back control of my data saying, hey, this is my information 158 00:11:05,240 --> 00:11:09,640 and I'm not gonna just hand it over without a second thought. Precisely. You 159 00:11:09,640 --> 00:11:14,340 become the curator of your own digital life. I like that, but what about the 160 00:11:14,340 --> 00:11:19,360 argument that these companies need our data to improve their services, you know, 161 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:23,120 to make things better for everyone? Sure, there's some truth to that. Data can be 162 00:11:23,120 --> 00:11:28,120 used for good, but the question is at what cost and who gets to decide? That's 163 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:32,320 a good point because right now it feels like we, the users, don't really have a 164 00:11:32,320 --> 00:11:37,160 say in how our data is being used. Exactly, and that's where Cloudran and 165 00:11:37,160 --> 00:11:40,680 the whole self-hosting movement come in. It's about shifting the balance of power. 166 00:11:40,680 --> 00:11:45,360 Okay, so less big brother, more individual empowerment. Exactly, you're 167 00:11:45,360 --> 00:11:49,040 no longer a data point, you're a person with agency and control over your own 168 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:53,200 digital destiny. I like the way that sounds, but let's be real, there's still 169 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:59,040 the issue of security. A valid concern going. Because, let's face it, I'm not a 170 00:11:59,040 --> 00:12:02,600 security expert, I can barely remember my own passwords. Sure, most of us aren't 171 00:12:02,600 --> 00:12:07,280 security experts, and that's okay. But if I'm running my own server, doesn't that 172 00:12:07,280 --> 00:12:11,320 make me more vulnerable to hackers and data breaches? It's a common 173 00:12:11,320 --> 00:12:15,160 misconception, but not necessarily true, and this is where Cloud Run really 174 00:12:15,160 --> 00:12:19,160 shines. Okay, tell me more. Remember how we talked about Cloud Run handling a lot 175 00:12:19,160 --> 00:12:22,720 of the technical stuff for you? Right, like the setup, the updates, all that. 176 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:28,200 Exactly. Well, that includes security too. Okay, how so? So, for starters, Cloud Run 177 00:12:28,200 --> 00:12:32,520 is built on Debian Linux, which is known for its robust security. Okay, but 178 00:12:32,520 --> 00:12:36,960 that doesn't mean it's foolproof, right? Of course not, but Cloud Run takes it a 179 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:40,440 step further by automatically keeping all your apps up-to-date, including 180 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:44,920 security patches. So I don't have to worry about manually and starring updates 181 00:12:44,920 --> 00:12:48,960 every time there's a new security vulnerability. Exactly. Cloud Run takes 182 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:52,280 care of that for you behind the scenes. Okay, that's reassuring, but what about 183 00:12:52,280 --> 00:12:57,920 things like firewalls and two-factor authentication? Are those complicated to 184 00:12:57,920 --> 00:13:02,840 set up with Cloud Run? Not at all. Cloud Run has a really user-friendly interface 185 00:13:02,840 --> 00:13:07,720 for managing all of that. So even someone like me who's not exactly a tech whiz 186 00:13:07,720 --> 00:13:12,440 can set up a secure server? Absolutely. Cloud Run makes it so much easier than 187 00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:15,920 you might think. Oh, I'm starting to feel a little more confident about this whole 188 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:20,840 self-hosting thing, but what about the social aspect? What do you mean? Well, so 189 00:13:20,840 --> 00:13:24,440 much of the internet today is about connecting with others, sharing 190 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:28,480 experiences, building communities. Can I still do that if I'm self-hosting 191 00:13:28,480 --> 00:13:34,840 with Cloud Run? Or am I gonna be this isolated island in the vast ocean of the 192 00:13:34,840 --> 00:13:38,240 internet? That's a great question and it brings us back to something we touched 193 00:13:38,240 --> 00:13:42,480 on earlier. Federation. Right, the whole interconnected server thing. Exactly. So 194 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:46,080 while Cloud Run lets you create your own little corner of the internet, it also 195 00:13:46,080 --> 00:13:50,160 gives you the tools to connect with others on your terms. Okay, I'm listening. 196 00:13:50,160 --> 00:13:54,420 Remember how we talked about email being a federated protocol? Yeah, because I can 197 00:13:54,420 --> 00:13:58,880 send an email from my Gmail to your Yahoo and we're all good. Precisely. Well, the 198 00:13:58,880 --> 00:14:02,600 Fediverse works in a similar way. You can have your own Cloud Run server with your 199 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:06,920 own apps, but you can also communicate and interact with other people on the 200 00:14:06,920 --> 00:14:09,960 Fediverse who are running their own servers. So it's like this whole 201 00:14:09,960 --> 00:14:13,520 interconnected network of independent servers all talking to each other. 202 00:14:13,520 --> 00:14:17,200 Exactly, and that's what makes it so powerful. It's a decentralized 203 00:14:17,200 --> 00:14:22,320 alternative to the walled gardens of Facebook and Twitter. Okay, so with Cloud 204 00:14:22,320 --> 00:14:26,200 Run, I can still be social, still be part of a community, but on my own terms. 205 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:30,360 Exactly, you're not limited by the algorithms or the rules of any one 206 00:14:30,360 --> 00:14:34,760 platform. This is definitely a lot to wrap my head around, but I'm starting to 207 00:14:34,760 --> 00:14:38,880 see the appeal. It's a paradigm shift, no doubt about it. It sounds like Cloud Run 208 00:14:38,880 --> 00:14:43,200 is about more than just technology, it's about a different way of thinking about 209 00:14:43,200 --> 00:14:48,500 the internet. Absolutely, it's about empowerment, ownership, and the freedom to 210 00:14:48,500 --> 00:14:53,080 create the online experience you want. Okay, I'm intrigued, but before we get too 211 00:14:53,080 --> 00:14:57,160 far ahead of ourselves, I think it's time to bring things back down to earth a bit. 212 00:14:57,160 --> 00:15:01,340 Sounds good. For all our listeners who are now thinking, okay, this Cloud Run 213 00:15:01,340 --> 00:15:06,360 thing sounds amazing, but how do I actually use it? What are some concrete 214 00:15:06,360 --> 00:15:11,200 examples of what I could do with this platform? Oh, there are tons. It's really 215 00:15:11,200 --> 00:15:14,720 only limited by your imagination, but let's start with some practical examples 216 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:18,120 that might resonate with our listeners. Alright, so let's get practical. What are 217 00:15:18,120 --> 00:15:22,520 some real-world examples of Cloud Run in action? Let's say you're the ultimate 218 00:15:22,520 --> 00:15:27,800 productivity guru. Okay. You live and breathe by your to-do lists and project 219 00:15:27,800 --> 00:15:31,800 management apps. Guilty as charged. Well, kiss those monthly Asana subscriptions 220 00:15:31,800 --> 00:15:37,480 goodbye. Cloud Run's got you covered with Taiga. Taiga? Yeah, it's like the open 221 00:15:37,480 --> 00:15:41,760 source cousin of Asana, super powerful, but you host it yourself. So I'm saving 222 00:15:41,760 --> 00:15:46,120 money and I'm in control of my data. Exactly. No more wondering where your 223 00:15:46,120 --> 00:15:49,800 tasks are floating around in the cloud. Okay, I'm liking this already, but what 224 00:15:49,800 --> 00:15:53,680 about invoicing? I'm always scrambling to keep track of invoices and payments. 225 00:15:53,680 --> 00:15:58,240 Cloud Run's got your back. Check out Invoice Ninja, another fantastic open 226 00:15:58,240 --> 00:16:03,320 source app that integrates seamlessly. So I could ditch the expensive accounting 227 00:16:03,320 --> 00:16:07,080 software and keep everything under my own roof. You got it. And here's the best 228 00:16:07,080 --> 00:16:10,800 part. Since Cloud Run handles the security, you can rest easy knowing your 229 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:14,920 financial data is safe and sound. Okay, this is starting to sound too good to be 230 00:16:14,920 --> 00:16:19,480 true. What's the catch? Honestly, there isn't a major catch. It's more about 231 00:16:19,480 --> 00:16:23,920 making sure Cloud Run aligns with your needs and your comfort level. Okay, so 232 00:16:23,920 --> 00:16:28,080 what do I need to consider? Well, first and foremost, are you comfortable with a 233 00:16:28,080 --> 00:16:31,920 little bit of a learning curve? How much are we talking? Cloud Run has done a 234 00:16:31,920 --> 00:16:36,920 great job of making things user-friendly, but it's still a step up from using a 235 00:16:36,920 --> 00:16:40,680 pre-configured service. So I might need to get my hands a little dirty, learn 236 00:16:40,680 --> 00:16:45,320 some new tricks. Exactly, think of it like this. You're trading in the convenience 237 00:16:45,320 --> 00:16:49,960 of a rental for the freedom and flexibility of owning your own home. Okay, 238 00:16:49,960 --> 00:16:52,840 that makes sense, so I need to be prepared to invest some time and effort. 239 00:16:52,840 --> 00:16:57,440 Precisely, but the payoff is huge. You're no longer limited by the rules and 240 00:16:57,440 --> 00:17:01,080 restrictions of someone else's platform. Right, right, it's about taking back 241 00:17:01,080 --> 00:17:06,120 control. Exactly, and that's a powerful feeling, especially in today's digital 242 00:17:06,120 --> 00:17:10,100 landscape. Okay, I'm convinced, but let's circle back to something we briefly 243 00:17:10,100 --> 00:17:14,060 touched upon earlier, the Fediverse. Ah, yes, the Fediverse. It's like the holy 244 00:17:14,060 --> 00:17:17,300 grail of decentralized internet. Okay, break it down for me. What's the 245 00:17:17,300 --> 00:17:21,520 connection between Cloudran and the Fediverse? So imagine a world where you 246 00:17:21,520 --> 00:17:25,400 can run your own social media platform, your own chat service, your own 247 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:29,320 everything. Okay, that sounds pretty utopian. It's not as far-fetched as you 248 00:17:29,320 --> 00:17:33,880 might think. The Fediverse is all about interconnected, decentralized services, 249 00:17:33,880 --> 00:17:39,480 and Cloudran plays a key role in making this vision a reality. How so? Well, 250 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:43,160 Cloudran makes it incredibly easy to install and manage apps that are 251 00:17:43,160 --> 00:17:47,220 compatible with the Fediverse. Things like Mastodon for social networking, or 252 00:17:47,220 --> 00:17:51,880 PixelFed for photo sharing. Okay, so instead of being stuck in the walled 253 00:17:51,880 --> 00:17:55,920 gardens of Facebook and Instagram. Exactly, you can join a network of 254 00:17:55,920 --> 00:18:00,480 interconnected communities all owned and operated by the users themselves. That 255 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:04,640 sounds amazing, but is it really realistic? I mean, can the Fediverse 256 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:09,680 really compete with the likes of Google and Facebook? That's the million dollar 257 00:18:09,680 --> 00:18:13,220 question, isn't it? But here's the thing, it's not about competing on their terms. 258 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:17,240 Okay. It's about offering an alternative, a different way of thinking about online 259 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:20,640 interactions. Okay, so it's less about market share, more about a fundamental 260 00:18:20,640 --> 00:18:24,440 shift in how we use the Internet. Exactly, and that's what makes Cloudran so 261 00:18:24,440 --> 00:18:28,640 exciting. It's not just a piece of software, it's a gateway to a more open, 262 00:18:28,640 --> 00:18:34,000 more Democrat, more user centric Internet. Okay, I'm sold, but I have a feeling this 263 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:38,160 is just the beginning of a much larger conversation. Oh, absolutely. We've barely 264 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:41,720 scratched the surface. Well, on that note, I think it's time to wrap up this deep 265 00:18:41,720 --> 00:18:46,120 dive. It's been a pleasure exploring the world of Cloudran with you. Likewise, and 266 00:18:46,120 --> 00:18:49,560 for our listeners, we hope you found this deep dive informative and thought 267 00:18:49,560 --> 00:18:52,720 provoking. We encourage you to check out the show notes for links to all the 268 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:56,560 resources we mentioned. And as always, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Hit us 269 00:18:56,560 --> 00:19:00,820 up on social media and let us know what you think about Cloudran, self-hosting, 270 00:19:00,820 --> 00:19:02,500 and the future of the internet. 271 00:19:02,500 --> 00:19:04,660 Until next time, stay curious. 272 00:19:04,660 --> 00:19:05,520 And stay in control.