Happy holidays everybody. It's that time of year again. Yeah, and to celebrate
We're doing a deep dive into a story that really captures that that spirit the
spirit of the season, you know
Yeah, think excitement
Finding joy. Yeah, even a little bit about the magic of stepping outside your
comfort zone
I love that. I love it. It's a classic tale
It is with themes that resonate death that no matter what you celebrate this time
of year. Absolutely
Our main character. Yep, is incredibly successful. Mm-hmm admired by everyone. He
But he still feels like something's missing, right? Does that feeling sound
familiar to you at all?
Definitely, I think we all can relate to that feeling of like, you know, you've
reached a certain point
But there's still something more right even when things are going well
You know, even when things are going well, it's that yearning for something more
Yeah, that's a powerful motivator
It is and it's what sets our protagonist. Yeah, Jack Skellington on quite an
adventure on an adventure
Okay, so picture this Halloween town a place where every day is
Spooky full of spooky delights. Yeah, and at the heart of it all is Jack Skellington
the pumpkin king the pumpkin king
Yes, he's beloved by his community. He is for his spectacular Halloween creation
Yeah, Halloween is his thing. But he's feeling what's he feeling a bit stagnant
Okay, kind of like he's done it all, you know, yeah, he's reached the pinnacle
Yeah of success in his world, but there's this nagging sense of emptiness
It's fascinating how even achieving your goals right doesn't always bring
fulfillment, right?
It's like I think it should right? Yeah, you would think so you get to the top of
the mountain and you're like, yeah
Alright, I made it. This is it. But then you're like now what now what that's kind
of where he's at
Okay, and that's what leads him to
Stumble stumble fun. Okay Christmas town. Oh interesting a place. That's like the
polar opposite of his own world completely different vibe
Yeah, okay. It's vibrant
Joyful full of warmth and wonder things
He's never seen things Jack has never experienced before right and he becomes
absolutely fixated on it
I mean I can understand it's shiny and new. It's so new. It's excited. It's like he's
discovered a whole new dimension
Yeah, like a whole different way of experiencing the world that can be both
Exhilarating and overwhelming wouldn't you say absolutely? So Jack tries to explain
this Christmas thing?
Oh boy, how's that gonna go to the residents of Halloween town this I got here, but
think about it
How do you explain Christmas to a bunch of ghouls and goblins?
It's like oil and water. I know it's not gonna mix. It's hilarious. It is a clash
of perspectives
Totally, they're excited for sure, but they also yeah completely misinterpret the
whole concept, right?
It highlights how our own experiences. Yeah shape our understanding of new ideas
Yeah, even something as seemingly universal as holiday cheer. Totally
Oh, and we can't forget Sally. Oh
Sally she's totally smitten with Jack. She is head over heels, but has these
Premonitions of disaster. Oh, no foreshadowing foreshadowing. I don't like it. She
sees this whole Christmas obsession. Oh
Going horribly wrong. Yeah, but no one listens to her warnings classic classic
It never ends well when you don't listen to the warning ever like, you know, right?
Yeah, you just know they're gonna go wrong
So she's the voice of reason. Yeah, she is the one who sees well one with the clear
eyes the potential consequences
Her picture, but her concerns are brushed aside happens all the time
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you could see trouble brewing?
But no one else seemed to notice all the time. I feel like I'm always the one
Really pointing out the potential pitfalls and everyone's just like yeah
And it's like hello
See the giant red flags giant red flag gave me right in front of your face. It
could be incredibly frustrating
Frustrating for sure. So Jack gets this grand idea. Okay, what's the grand idea to
take over Christmas? Oh boy
He's convinced he can do it better. All right, put his own unique spin on it. Jack's
gonna put his own spin on it
Okay, and the townspeople. All right, always eager to please they love their
pumpkin king their pumpkin king
I do jump right in to help. I mean you got to admire their enthusiasm, right?
It's a testament to Jack's it is charisma and leadership. Yeah, but it also shows
how easily
Yeah, this is a good point group thing can take hold right?
Especially when especially when there's a beloved figure leading the charge leading
the charge and no one wants to question right a leader
So we've got the whole town. Okay, we go working on this crazy plan. I am ready.
They're making skeletal reindeer
Uh-huh crafting spooky presents. This is gonna be good even knitting a Santa suit
for Jack
Oh my gosh, it's both hilarious
It is and a little bit unnerving a little creepy, right? Yes. It really highlights
that clash. Yeah between these two worlds. They're just such
Different aesthetics different aesthetic night and day that Halloween aesthetic.
Yeah imposed on this right joyous holiday
It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, right? It's just not gonna
work and it sets the stage
or here we go some truly
Chaotic results. We're about to see some chaos unfold. Okay, I'm ready. So remember
those mischievous trick-or-treaters. I do lock
Shock and barrel the troublemakers. They are yeah, they're tasked with kidnapping
Santa Claus
Oh, no, but with very specific instructions to not okay involve their creepy boss
Oogie boogie don't involve Oogie boogie
Okay, got it, right? I feel like this is where things go wrong
You think I have a feeling Oogie boogie is the embodiment of yeah
Pure nightmare fuel sprayed up nightmare fuel even Jack even Jack knows better.
Yeah than to involve him
Yeah, you got to keep Oogie boogie out of it
But of course, well, of course things don't exactly go never do according to plan
It wouldn't be a very interesting story if they did right if everything went
according to plan those little troublemakers
Oh those guys don't follow directions
I knew it and their decision to hand Santa over to Oogie boogie
Of course sets off a chain of events here we go dominoes are falling that throws
everything into disarray
Chaos ensues. It's a classic example. Yeah of how even the best-laid plans
Can go awry right when you underestimate when you underestimate the chaos factor
chaos factor
You just never know what those little guys are gonna do right? Yeah, they're
unpredictable. It also speaks to the importance of
Delegation and trust. Yeah, something I'm sure you can relate to in your own work.
Absolutely delegating can be a double-edged sword
It can be you hope that the people you delegate to will carry out your vision
But yeah, sometimes it goes off the rails it does sometimes even when you give
clear instructions
You think you've been crystal clear you think so, but somehow yeah, the message
gets lost in translation
Things can go sideways go sideways if you don't have the right people in place 100%
you gotta have the right team
Yeah, that's a lesson. We've all learned. I think so at some point. I'm sure the
hard way usually the hard way
Yeah through trial and error. So as Christmas Eve arrives
Jack sets off. Okay in his makeshift sleigh
This is not gonna be good ready to deliver his own brand of Christmas cheer to the
Oh boy buckle up, but things are about to go very very wrong
I can't wait to see how this unfold you can't wait. I'm on the edge of my seat. All
This is gonna be good. Well, we'll see how it goes. All right, his gifts are
terrifying to say the least
Yeah, they're not bringing the Christmas cheer. He's spreading fear instead of
cheer, right?
But he's completely oblivious to the negative reaction. Yeah, he's just like
getting it
It's like he's seeing what he wants to see not what's actually happening. Yeah, and
we've all been there
I mean, we've all been there. Yeah, it's a great example of confirmation bias in
Oh, yeah, Jack is so convinced that his version of Christmas is fantastic that he
ignores any evidence to the contrary
Hmm. It's something we all need to watch out for yeah, especially when we're
passionate about an idea, especially then
You know, yeah, you got to be able to take a step back and be like, uh-huh. Is this
really working?
Yeah, it's this really what people want or am I just imposing my vision on everyone
else totally food for thought
Meanwhile Sally's frantically trying to Sally to the rescue undo the mess. Yeah,
she knows this whole thing's a disaster
Yeah, waiting to happen and is desperate to save both Santa and Jack. She sees the
big picture from the consequences
Yeah, she's trying to protect everyone right her bravery is admirable. Don't you
think I do?
I do. I think she's one of my favorite characters. He's awesome. Yeah, she's facing
some serious dangers
Yeah, huh to try to set things, right? Yeah, but unfortunately her rescue attempt
leads her
Oh, no right into the clutches of the villainous oogie-boogie poor Sally not oogie-boogie.
She's the voice of reason
I wrote this whole ordeal and constantly gets ignored. Yeah classic and now she's
in a truly terrifying situation
Boogie-boogie is bad news. It highlights the importance of speaking up
It does even when your concerns aren't immediately acknowledged. What if people
aren't listening right away Sally doesn't give up. No
She keeps fighting the good fight even when it seems like no one is listening. That's
the key, right?
Sometimes that persistence and so it makes a difference in the end. That's a good
You never know who you might be influencing right by just continuing to speak your
truth. Okay, so things
Oh, here we go go from bad to worse. It's about to get worse when Jack's
spooky sleigh
Gets mistaken for a hostile target. Oh, no and shot down by of all things
The military the military. Oh, no talk about a holiday surprise talk about a
Christmas surprise, right?
That's not the kind of surprise you want on Christmas Eve. Not the one you want. No
It's a stark reminder of how good intentions can backfire when you don't consider
the broader context
That's all about perspective, right?
I guess so like what might seem fun and festive to one group right could be
perceived as a threat by another
Jack's actions. Yeah, well meant to be festive. Uh-huh are perceived as a threat in
the real world. Yeah, that's a good point, right?
It's a powerful visual representation of that clash between his fantasy and reality
It's like a collision of worlds a collision of worlds Halloween versus Christmas
versus the real world
Yeah, he survives the crash. Okay, good and lands in a graveyard
Interesting which seems fitting given the circumstances
I mean he is the pumpkin king it gives him a moment right to reflect on his actions
the tombstones
Amidst the symbols of his own world a little morbid, but hey, maybe it'll give him
some clarity
Maybe so it's a pivotal turning point in the story. It's surrounded by the familiar
Yeah, Jack finally sees the error of his ways. He realizes it has an epiphany
He's not meant to be Santa right that his true place is in Halloween town. He
belongs in Halloween town and
With that realization comes what comes a surge of determination. Okay, he ditches
the Santa suit
Good riddance reclaims his identity as the pumpkin king
There he is and races back to Halloween town to set things right to set things
right. It's a moment of redemption for Jack
Yeah, he acknowledges his mistakes. Uh-huh takes responsibility and sets out to fix
the mess
He's created. It's a reminder that it's never too late. It's never too late to make
amends, right?
You can always try to make things right and that true leadership
Yeah involves acknowledging our shortcomings owning up to your mistakes
But remember there's a time crunch tick-tock tick-tock Santa's still captive. Oh,
Sally's in danger. Oh, man Christmas is on the verge of being ruined
The stakes are high. So Jack has a lot to accomplish in very little time. He's got
his work cut out for him
He bursts into Oogie Boogie's lair. Oh showdown time ready to face this monstrous.
Yeah gambling obsessed
Oh, yeah, he loves to gamble boogie man in a final showdown. This is it
It's a classic battle of good versus evil the ultimate showdown full of suspense
and danger
Edge of your seat moment, but Jack
Yeah fueled by his desire to rescue Santa and Sally and redeem himself, right?
He's got a lot of motivation uses his wits to defeat Oogie Boogie. He's gonna have
to be smart about this
He remembers that Oogie Boogie. Oh, yeah is literally held together by threads. He's
just a bag of bugs
Oh, yeah, they're by threats and uses that knowledge to unravel him. Oh, that's
cloud sending those creepy crawlies scattering
You it's a satisfying defeat. It is of a truly grotesque villain
I mean, he's pretty gross right with Oogie Boogie out of the picture gone Jack
Santa and Sally they're safe. Talk about a holiday miracle. Wait, what a relief
But there's still the issue of all those undelivered presents, right? Christmas is
almost over
Oh, no, Santa's got a hustle safely and as a professional
He is got this the wave of his hand right and a sprinkle of that Christmas magic a
little bit of Christmas magic goes a long
Way sets off to deliver the gifts. He's on it and erase the traces of Jack's misguided
attempts clean up crew
It's a reminder that sometimes even after a major setback. Yeah
There's still a chance for things to work out in the end. Hope Springs eternal and
Despite his disastrous Christmas escapade. Yeah is welcome back to Halloween town
as a hero
They're a forgiving bunch. They understand that his heart was in the right place.
Even if his execution was a bit off, maybe the thought counts, right, right and
they see his genuine remorse
Yeah, and his willingness to make things right. He really wanted to make things
right. There's a beautiful moment
Tell me about it when Santa flies over Halloween town
Okay as a gesture of forgiveness and understanding. That's nice. It highlights the
shared spirit of celebration
It does that unites both holidays despite their differences. That's beautiful. And
then something truly magical happens
What happens Santa gives Halloween town a gift a gift a gift a gift that perfectly
embodies the wonder and joy of Christmas
Don't tell me snow snow. I knew it. It's a transformative scene
The spooky landscape of Halloween town is covered in a blanket of white
Turning it into a winter wonderland. It's like a whole new world for them
It's a new experience for the residents right a chance to embrace something
Yes step outside their comfort zone a little bit and embrace the unexpected. It
symbolizes a fresh start
It does a reminder that even in the darkest spookiest places. Mm-hmm. There can be
light and joy
That's a beautiful thought and for Jack. It's a chance to finally acknowledge his
feelings for Sally. She's been waiting
She's been there for him through it all. I know supporting him. Mm-hmm warning him
Mm-hmm, and ultimately they're helping him find his way back. She's a true friend
under the falling snow. Ah
Their connection blossoms into something truly special love is in the air the
lovely ending
celebration of love it's except acceptance in the magic of the holiday season
Beautiful. What a story, right? It certainly is it reminds us to embrace the
To be open to new experiences. Yeah, and to find joy in the most unlikely of places
Beautifully said and remember
What's the reminder Safeserver will be on holiday break? Yeah until January 3rd,
We need a break. We do. We've been working hard our next deep dive
When is that will air on January 6th 2025 mark your calendar until then?
We wish you all a wonderful. Yes, and joyous holiday season. Happy holidays
everybody holidays
Yeah, it's interesting how this story highlights. Uh-huh the importance of finding
where you truly belong
You know, absolutely Jack thought he wanted to be Santa right to bring Christmas to
the world
Yeah, but ultimately he realized his true passion lay in Halloween. Exactly
it's a reminder that it's okay to explore different paths and try new things right
it's also essential to be true to yourself and
Embrace what makes you unique?
It makes me think of that saying what's that? The grass isn't always greener on the
other side. Oh, yeah
That's a good one. Jack was so focused on what he thought was missing in his life.
All right
He wasn't appreciating. Yeah what he already had that he didn't appreciate the
wonderful things
He already had and that's something we can all relate to wouldn't you say? Oh for
Sometimes we get so caught up. Yeah in wanting what we don't have
instead of
Appreciating the good the good things in our own lives. Yeah, and Sally's character.
Sally is so inspiring
She is she stayed true to herself
Throughout the entire story even when she was afraid. Yeah, she's got courage. She
spoke up
Took risks. Mm-hmm and ultimately played a key role in saving the day. She's a true
She is she embodies courage. She does intuition and unwavering loyalty
She's a reminder that we should trust our instincts right and stand up for what we
believe in even when it's difficult
Even when it's difficult. All right, so as we wrap up this deep dive into the
nightmare before Christmas
What do you think is the most important takeaway? Oh, that's a good question for
our listeners
Um for me, it's a reminder to embrace the spirit of the season
Yeah, no matter how you celebrate. Mm-hmm. It's about finding joy in the unexpected
connecting with loved ones and
Appreciating the magic that surrounds us beautifully said. Thank you. And remember
Safeserver will be on holiday break
We will until January 3rd, 2025. That's right a little time to recharge our next
deep dive
Yes, will air on January 6th, 2025 can't wait until then
Yeah, we wish you all a wonderful and absolute and joyous holiday season. Happy
holidays everybody. Happy holidays everyone